Home Based Business, Buisiness, Or Bussiness - A Little Mistake
By Noel Peebles
How would you like to have a top ranking in the major
search engines for a search term like "small business?"
It is every webmasters dream. Well, maybe not the words "home business", but most webmasters would love to be rated number 1, 2, or 3 for some of the most popular search terms relating to their business. For example, a Real Estate Agent would love a top listing under one of the most commonly searched terms - real estate.
If you're one of the many people trying to make some extra money online by promoting your own website, I'm sure you must have several search terms you would like to own for yourself. The problem is, so would twenty million other webmasters who probably want to use the same search terms as you.
Let's be honest right up front and get the bad news out of the way. Words relating to Internet marketing, such as business opportunity, home business, work from home, etc., are the death valley of search engine marketing.
Millions of webmasters who are trying to promote their website are going to consider these types of words as their primary keywords.
The number of competing pages for these types of words is colossal, often well into the tens of millions. The average website is just going to get buried in the search engines and the result will be ZERO traffic.
A Little-Known Strategy Revealed
I'd like to tell you about one overlooked strategy that many webmasters never consider. It can be very effective in generating some healthy traffic numbers for commonly searched words. None of us is perfect and this is exactly the reason why this strategy exists. Some of us are not too good at spelling or grammar. Others are in such a hurry they abbreviate words, join words together or simply mistype words. We all do it at times and sometimes our accuracy leaves a lot to be desired. (Thank goodness for spell checkers!)
You'd be astounded at the amount of traffic that can be generated by focusing on common misspellings of popular words.
Here are some common misspellings for some often searched phrases. The numbers alongside the words represent the average number of searches performed PER DAY on these words across all major search engines.
buisness 277, bussiness 124, busines 19, business opportunities 119, business oppurtunities 76, business opportunites 42, business oppertunities 37, bussiness opportunities 19, businessopportunities 15, buisness opportunities 11, home bussiness 83, entreprenuer 186, entrepeneur 147, entreprenuers 44, entrepreneuer 6, home based bussiness 69
If you add these numbers up you'll see that these words alone get searched approximately 1274 times PER DAY across the major search engines. Although that number is well below the numbers searched for using the correct spellings, the competing page numbers are MUCH lower for the misspelled words.
Generally, the lower the number of competing pages, the easier it is to get a single "well optimized" page to rank high on the search engines. Quite often this is easy traffic.
So, if you take a word like "Business" and assume it might be misspelled as "Buisiness" or "Bussiness", then you can simply combine that word with some correctly spelt words to come up with some popular phrases.
Here are some examples:
Home business = Home buisiness, Home bussiness
Home business plan = Home buisiness plan, Home bussiness plan
Business for sale = buisiness for sale, bussiness for sale
Better business bureau = better buisiness bureau, better bussiness bureau
Home business for sale = Home buisiness for sale, Home bussiness for sale
Home business = home buisiness, home bussiness
Home based business = home based buisiness, home based bussiness
Business advice = buisiness advice, bussiness advice
Sell a business = sell a buisiness, sell a bussiness
Home business ideas = Home buisiness ideas, Home bussiness ideas
Home business guide = Home buisiness guide, Home bussiness guide
Home business advice = Home buisiness advice, Home bussiness advice
Then you could try the same in the plural eg. buisinesses for sale, bussinesses for sale
Then there are other combinations to consider like:
Using numbers for words eg. Business 4 sale
Running words together eg. Businessforsale
Abbreviating words eg. Biz for sale
The use of misspellings is in no way limited to the business
field. It can be applied to almost any type of website.
Here are a few of the most popular searched words on the Net.
I'm sure that not everyone knows how to spell them:
Dictionary, lyrics, britney spears, viagra, horoscope, screensavers,
Australia, playstation, memorabilia …the list goes on.
The key is that very few webmasters are promoting or going after incorrect spellings of popular searched words. However, I should point out that some search engines are better-suited to using this type of strategy than others.
If you are thinking about any type of search engine promotion, and you have not thought about using incorrect spellings, consider giving it a go.
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This article was published on WorkOnInternet.com
The URL for this article is : http://www.workoninternet.com/article_165.html
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