Coupon Distributor
- Start-up cost: RM500- RM 1,500
- Potential earnings: RM10,000- RM 35,000
- Typical fees: RM3- RM5 per drop site or a bulk rate for mailings (usually RM300 per thousand) Advertising: Word of mouth, cover letter with resume
- Qualifications: Postage meters and knowledge of postal regulations; a clean driving record
- Equipment needed: Solid, dependable vehicle
- Staff required: No
- Handicapped opportunity: Yes
- Hidden costs: Insurance, mileage
- Lowdown: Coupon books are a quick, positive means of getting a company’s message across to consumers; what better incentive to buy than a discounted price for doing so? Producers of coupon books often don’t have the time or resources to distribute the books themselves, so they hire out services such as yours to make sure that potential buyers receive their “golden” opportunities. You’ll either drive around your community distributing such books by hand, or you’ll use direct mail to ensure delivery by a specific date. Because coupons are of a time-sensitive nature, you’ll always need to stay on track—invest in a good time-management system (a personal organizer or even a simple planner) to make sure that you never miss a deadline. Familiarize yourself early on with postal regulations; post offices regularly hold classes that teach you all the ins and outs of mass mailing. Networking with printers, advertising agencies, and coupon book producers will bring you the most business (rather than advertising your services in a publication).
- Start-Up: If you already have a dependable vehicle, you’ll spend between RM500-RM1,500 getting this business off the ground. Mostly, you’ll spend it on postage equipment and your own self-promotion. You’ll charge about RM300 per thousand, or RM3-RM5 per drop site if you’re doing it via your own vehicle. You can expect your annual earnings to be between RM10,000-RM35,000 (depending on which method you choose to deliver the books).
- Bottom-Line Advice: This is a good part-time profession, but it isn’t exactly dependable, as many coupon book producers are disreputable or go out of business in a short period of time. Align yourself with the tried and true, and all will go smoothly. Otherwise, you might consider becoming a coupon book producer yourself.