Monday, May 14, 2007

Employee Leasing
  • Start-up cost: RM15,000-RM35,000
  • Potential earnings: RM60,000-RM80,000
  • Typical fees: Mark up the going rates by 40 to 50 percent
  • Advertising: Direct mail, networking in business and trade associations, publishing a newsletter
  • Qualifications: Knowledge of and contacts in a specific field, excellent organizational skills
  • Equipment needed: Office furniture, computer, printer, fax, telephone headset, business card, letterhead, envelopes, brochure
  • Staff required: No
  • Handicapped opportunity: Yes
  • Hidden costs: Liability insurance against employee misconduct
  • Lowdown: While you may not be able to compete with the big general help agencies, a small employee leasing agency can provide workers with specialized skills who cannot be reached through the traditional temp services. This business produces good earnings relative to time and materials: you’re not doing the actual work—just the organization. Build your database of specialists in a field you have experience with, then begin direct mail to your prospective clients.
  • Start-Up: Although the cost of building your initial database and center of operations is not high, you will need a sizable initial investment (RM20,000) to cover the delays in cash flow between your clients and your employees. You could see at least RM60,000 at the end of your first year.
  • Bottom-Line Advice: You may need to consult an attorney to stay abreast of the laws regarding taxes, workers’ compensation, and employment. Some types of temps will need to be bonded, and you will need to measure the advantages of incorporation over the extra costs and red tape involved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A PEO's service helps business owners deal with the increased
employee paperwork and hassle that accompany a growing business.
By outsourcing human resources for your current employees,business
owners can reduce employee overhead and administrative paperwork.
Professional Employee Organizations removes the non-productive tasks from your business so that you can concentrate on growing
your business. It's like having your own personal staff of human
resource experts to handle all of your employee hassles.
For more information about Outsourcing HR visit